Swine Enzootic Pneumonia 地方流行性肺炎 ; [兽医] 猪气喘病
Enzootic Bovine Leukosis 牛白血病 ; 地方流行性牛白血病 ; 流行性白血病 ; 流行性牛白血病
Enzootic Aboution of Ewes 衣原体病
enzootic ovine abortion [兽医] 绵羊病毒性流产
enzootic abortion of ewes 或母羊地方性流产 ; 绵羊地方性流产
enzootic zone 地方病流行区
Enzootic pneumonia of pigs 流行性肺炎
enzootic syncope 地方住晕厥
enzootic cycle 地方性兽疫流行周期
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ (of diseases) affecting animals within a limited region 地方性动物病的
N an enzootic disease 地方性动物病
These results indicate that progression of enzootic bovine leucosis is closely related to expression of P53 protein in tumorous tissues.
提示,流行性牛白血病的发生与肿瘤组织中P 53蛋白表达有重要关系。
Methods 180 patients with combined-periodontal lesions were trusted with the combination of enzootic treatment and periodontal treatment.