eradicate 根除 ; 连根拔除 ; 铲除 ; 扑灭
eradicate-eliminate 根除 ; 清除
to eradicate 消除 ; 铲除 ; 扑灭
eradicate cholera 消来霍乱
Eradicate Odor 除异味
eradicate defect 根除缺陷
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 贫穷与饥饿 ; 消除极度贫困和饥饿
V-T To eradicate something means to get rid of it completely. 根除 [正式]
They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
eradication N-UNCOUNT 根除
...a significant contribution toward the eradication of corruption.