学科科研 关键词:齿轮;插齿;误差分析;斜向插削角;内啮合变厚齿轮副 [gap=2736]Key words: composite materials; metal matrix composite; VEPC; technology; evap
dem error analysis dem误差分析
backward error analysis 向后误差分析 ; [数] 后向误差分析 ; 反向误差分析
error-analysis 错误分析研究
error analysis ea 错误分析
4 error analysis 误差分析
an error analysis 误差分析
DR error analysis DR误差分析
and error analysis 及其误差分析
bit error analysis 误码分析
Methods of error analysis (EA) and questionnaire are adopted for the investigation to find the answers to the above questions.
参考来源 - 非英语专业本科生英语作文选词策略分析In this paper, we discuss two aspects of appulsive complement from the point of teaching Chinese as a foreign language----grammar theory and error analysis.
参考来源 - 对外汉语教学趋向补语偏误分析Error analysis is the precondition to ensure the measuring precision.
参考来源 - 面阵传感圆柱度非接触测量方法及评定技术研究Thisdissertation deals systematically with the error analysis and accuracy compensation of3-DOF parallel translational manipulators, based on the study of kinematics and workspaceof it.
参考来源 - 三平移并联机器人机构的精度研究Observability analysis and error analysis are also given.
参考来源 - 空中观测平台对海面慢速目标单站无源定位跟踪及其关键技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet