齿轮上“角位置误差” 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械... ... error in reading:读数误差 visible error: 视差 error of estimate:估计量的误差 ...
standard error of estimate [统计] 标准估计误差 ; 估计量的标准误差 ; 估计标准误 ; 估计标准误差
probable error of estimate [数] 估计概差 ; 估计值概误
Non-linear standard error of estimate 非线性估计标准误
required standard error of estimate 估计值误差的规定标准
linear standard error of estimate 非线性估计标准误
estimate of error 误差估计量 ; 误差的估计量
standard error of the estimate 估计值的标准误 ; 估计的标准偏差 ; 标准误
statistical estimate of error 误差的统计估计 ; [统计] [数] 统计误差估计 ; 统计误差估计值
The standard error of estimate, on the other hand, measures the variability, or scatter, of the observed values around the regression line.
The minimum mean square error (MMSE) is computed for each decoding state to estimate optimal parameters and to reduce the influence of the bit error.
After the examples are analyzed, there are problems which need to be solved such as ambiguity, real-time clock bias error and the estimate method of zenith wet delay.