Viterbi解码器计算出4种可能路径中 的每个符号,它们以接收到的I 、Q输入信号的欧几里德 (Euclidian)距离的平方值为度量, 在误差率的基础上测定出收 缩率(Puncture Rate)和相位。
③计算 n 个样品两两见的距离{Dij},运用欧式(Euclidian)距离计算 公式 ④建立距离矩阵,并初始认为每个样品自成一类; ⑤合并距离最近的两类为一类; ⑥回到步骤3,一次计算直到归为一类...
Euclidian dimension 欧几里得维数
Euclidian solid 欧几里德固体
Euclidian distance matrix 欧几里得距离矩阵
Euclidian invariants 欧氏变换不变因子
Euclidian Distance 欧几里德距离
Euclidian classification 欧氏距离分类
Normalized Euclidian Distance 标准化欧式距离
weighted euclidian distance 加权欧几里德距离
Squared Euclidian Distance 欧氏距离平方
Based on the dual variables, the Hamiltonian system theory is introduced into plane orthotropy elasticity, the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space is realized.
We recall the characteristics of the groups with hyperbolic symmetry and improve the IFS iterated function systems which are used to construct the classical fractal sets in the Euclidian plane.