... geophysical exploration地球物理勘探 exploration stage探索阶段;探究阶段 exploration drilling钻探;[经]勘探钻井 ...
human resources Exploration stage 探索阶段
theory exploration stage 理论探索阶段
exploration stage division 阶段划分
geologic exploration stage 地质勘探阶段
preliminary exploration stage 预探阶段
division of mineral exploration stage 矿产勘查工作阶段划分
stage of hydrogeological exploration 水文地质勘探阶段
Located in the middle Mongolia, Nilga Bbasin is a Meso-zoic rift basin and is in the early exploration stage at present.
The grades of coalbed gas reserves and resources extents are mainly determined by exploration stage and degree of a wildcat area.
Utilizing the short-term producing test in prospecting wells at the exploration stage, the reserve estimation may be carried out.