XOM M exxon mobil companies 埃克森美孚公司
Exxon Mobil is not on the list because a number of other companies, such as PetroChina and BP, have assets nearly as large and similar expertise.
True, companies such as ConocoPhillips or Exxon Mobil have been sanguine about Polish gas, and the former has already begun prospecting.
WHEN BP branded itself as “Beyond Petroleum”, and the fashionable colour among oil companies was green, Exxon Mobil stood aloof from the rush to embrace alternative sources of energy.
当英国石油公司(BP)标榜自己为“BP——Beyond Petroleum 超越石油”,而且各家石油企业崇尚环保的浓浓绿意之时,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)却远离拥抱替代能源的时尚潮流。