准/规范中文名: 吊环螺钉 标准/规范英文名: Eyebolts 标准状态: 现行 替代标准: GB 825-76 原文语种: 中文 译文语种: 英文 译文交稿时间: 款到后1日内 原文页数: 7页 标准分类:
shoulder eyebolt [机] 带肩吊环螺栓
plain eyebolt 普通道螺栓 ; 普通环首螺栓
eyebolt nut 螺母
lifting eyebolt 螺栓提圈
shoulder nut eyebolt 环首带肩螺栓
nc eyebolt 美制粗牙螺纹带眼螺栓
forged eyebolt 锻造吊环螺栓
N a threaded bolt, the head of which is formed into a ring or eye for lifting, pulling, or securing 有眼螺栓
Blade tools: eyebolt, turning tool, Allen key, screw tap, milling cutter, drill bits, etc.
He conformed the custom steel bracket to the shape of the sign and bolted it to the post with lag screws, links and eyebolt screws for the sign.
After all the soldering is completed, you will need to tie a large enough knot in one end of the bungee cord so it won't pull through an eyebolt.