争球点(Face - off Spot):冰球球场上的7个黑点为争球点,以点为圆心15呎为半径画出的圆为争球圈,争球的时后其它球员不得进入此圈,一直要到裁判丢下的球...
face-off spot 争球点
zone line face-off spot 蓝线争球点 ; 篮线争球点
end zone face-off spot 端区争球点
end face off spot 端区争球点
face-off spot in neutral zone 中区争球点
centre face-off spot 中区争球点
center face-off spot 中区开球点
face-off f spot 争球点
With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “It's my brother,” he said.
A young soldier, with a face of deathly pallor, still stood facing the pit on the spot upon which he had shot, his shako falling backwards off his head, and his fuse dropping on to the ground.