fade in fade out 淡入淡出
Fade-in Fade-out Device 技巧装置 ; [电影] [电视] 渐隐渐显装置
fade-in fade-out device detail 渐隐渐显装置
Fade In and Fade Out 淡入和淡出
fade-in and fade-out 淡入淡出
These are the default variables for the position, text contents, and color, font size, fade-in and fade-out speed in milliseconds, and an array to hold the display string.
The KenBurnsFader class handles the fade-in and fade-out of the image using opacity.
The second tooltip, for the TestInput HTML element, formats the content with some markup, and specifies the fade in and fade out times (in seconds).
第二个工具提示用在TestInput HTML元素上,它的内容需要用一些标记进行格式化,并指定淡入和淡出时间(以秒为单位)。