二、 家庭照顾者(family caregiver): 在家庭成员中花费最多时间,并实际从事照顾工作或担任照顾责 任的家庭成员,包含有配偶、子女、媳妇、孙子,同住及不同住的家...
... * 为残疾人士帮忙的服务员 - 家庭护理 attendant for persons with disabilities – home care * 家庭照顾者 family caregiver * 家庭支持工作者 home support worker ...
Family Caregiver Alliance 家庭看护者联盟 ; 护者联盟 ; 家庭照顾者联盟 ; 家庭陪护者联盟
Family Caregiver Tax Credit 家庭看护税务优惠 ; 税务优惠 ; 照顾家庭成员免税额
As dementia progresses and syntax and word finding falters, "listen with your ears, eyes and heart," the Family Caregiver Alliance advises.
Patients also answered the survey with a caregiver or family member present, which may have influenced answers.
"We find ourselves as a caregiver with someone with cancer, and that cancer isn't just affecting that patient but it affects profoundly that entire family," Chamberlain told LiveScience.