Fantastic Four 神奇四侠 ; 惊奇四超人 ; 神奇4侠 ; 新神奇四侠
The Fantastic Four 神奇四侠 ; 新神奇四侠
Fantastic Children 奇幻儿童 ; 奇幻儿童原声音乐 ; 奇幻旅程 ; 幻想少年
Mister Fantastic 神奇先生
FANTASTIC FEST 奇幻电影节 ; 片子节 ; 奇幻影戏节 ; 今年奇幻电影节
Fantastic Job 干的太好了 ; 干得太好了 ; 你做得太棒了 ; 好样的
You're Fantastic 你真太妙了 ; 你真不错
ADJ If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good or that you like it a lot. 极好的 [非正式]
I have a fantastic social life.
ADJ A fantastic amount or quantity is an extremely large one. 极大的 (量) [ADJ n]
...fantastic amounts of money.
fantastically ADV 极其 [ADV adj/adv]
...a fantastically expensive restaurant.