温度 中文名称: 致死温度 英文名称: Fatal Temperature 友情链接 中国沙漏网 中国字幕机网 中国滤板网 中国切胶机网 中国瓶体网 中国排气管网 中国砂磨机网 中国容量瓶网 中国软化剂网
absolute maximum fatal temperature 绝对最高致死温度
absolute minimum fatal temperature 绝对最低致死温度
zone of low fatal temperature 致死低温带 ; 致死低温区
maximum fatal temperature 最高致死温度
zone of high fatal temperature 致死高温带 ; 高温致死地带 ; 致死高温区
absent maximum fatal temperature 绝对最高致死温度
absent minimum fatal temperature 绝对最低致死温度
Core body temperature is an important indicator of the onset of heat exhaustion, which can be fatal.
The result shows that higher air temperature and fewer precipitation in winter and spring, and long-term drought are the primary climate background of the fatal forest fire in the south of Gansu.
The electrical, mechanical and thermal characteristics of low temperature dielectric materials have fatal influence on the performance and reliability of superconducting magnets.