...但它必需以税法为导背,果彼,好邦教者认为,好邦的海外收入法典(IRC)既非联邦税收的最上法律,也非税务会计(Federal Tax Accounting)的实际取方式指北(凯文.E.墨非等,2001),如非,税务会计本则也便现含反在海外收入法典之中。
federal income tax accounting [税收] 联邦所得税会计
The report, which studied changes in income after accounting for federal tax and inflation, found those in the middle also saw their wages grow slowly in comparison with the better-off.
Get the Financial Accounting Standards Board to make public companies disclose one number that's currently not required — the amount of federal income tax they pay for a given year.
只要能让财务会计准则委员会(Financial Accounting Standards Board)督促所有上市公司公布一项数据,这个问题就会迎刃而解——即公司为指定年份所交纳的联邦所得税税额。
The controller needs an accounting system to prepare financial statements required by investors and lenders and income and payroll tax returns required by state and federal agencies.