hand feeding mechanism 手动进给机构
bit feeding mechanism 钻头给进机构
pirn feeding mechanism [纺] 喂管机构
self-feeding mechanism 自动加料机构
screw feeding mechanism 螺旋送进机构
manual feeding mechanism 手工送料机构
The indispensable means to guarantee machining precision and achieve accurate cutting is to compensate the error during machining by using a micro-feeding mechanism which can accomplish accurate small-displacement of the cutter.
参考来源 - 机床几何精度误差补偿技术的研究Based on the analysis and calculate of knot theory and wire feeding guide passage, the wire feeding mechanism is designed and the main parts of mine metal-net tying machine is produced. There are two design schemes of wire feeding mechanism.
参考来源 - 矿用金属网气动联接装置的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Scraper feeding mechanism is installed below the main girder, feeding way is take for full face.
In terms of magazine feeding mechanism, the total height of the magazine was determined by the size of feeding spring's assembly height.
To adopt pneumatic feeding mechanism to substitute traditional CAM intermittence drive feeding mechanism are widely applied in press machine.