yawn ferociously 使劲地打着呵欠
swear ferociously 凶恶地咒骂
intimidate ferociously 凶恶地恐吓
kill ferociously 凶猛地杀死
express ferociously 十分强烈地表示
ferociously U 野蛮地
look ferociously 看上去凶猛
ferociously e 野蛮地
He trapped Chuck in a corner and pummelled him ferociously for thirty seconds.
Economists argue ferociously about how close this is to being true.
He clenched his fists tightly and shook them ferociously at Miss Martha.
I am a right-wing Republican, and I like the fact that Obama has put into the White House Larry Summers, who's a ferociously smart human being and will try to do the right thing even if it offends some people.