tibia and fibula 胫腓骨
shortened fibula 腓骨短缩
fibula plate 腓骨板
vascularized fibula grafts 带血管蒂腓骨移植
neck of fibula [解剖] 腓骨颈
Dictyocha fibula 小等刺硅鞭藻
nylon fibula 尼龙搭扣
Tibia fibula Fx 胫腓骨折
shaft of fibula [解剖] 腓骨体
Objective To explore the open tibia and fibula serious comminuted fracture treatment methods.
参考来源 - 单臂外固定器治疗胫腓骨严重开放粉碎性骨折的疗效观察—《中国健康月刊·B版》—2010年第8期—龙源期刊网Study on sex estimation by fibulaObjective: To investigate the method of sex estimation by fibula and to establish the sex discriminant functions by the parameters of fibula.
参考来源 - 大鼠脑组织缺血后Ngb mRNA表达与缺血时间推断的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT Your fibula is the outer bone of the two bones in the lower part of your leg. 腓骨 [医学]
Where are your tibia, fibula, and femur?
2004 - Michael Vick, Atlanta falcons-fractured right fibula in a pre-season game.
2004年亚特兰大猎鹰队的Michael Vick——在一场季前赛中腓骨断裂。
It is the fibula in the ankle that has to be checked, that is what I have been told.
A kind of a pin used to hold your cloak together, called a fibula, unknown in the previous period.