Fire Hydrant [安全] 消防栓 ; 消防街井
pedestal fire hydrant 座墩消防栓 ; 柱形消防栓
indoor fire hydrant [安全] [建] 室内消火栓
post fire hydrant [安全] 地上消火栓
outdoor fire hydrant [安全] [建] 室外消火栓 ; 室外消防栓
Flush fire hydrant [安全] 地下消火栓 ; 刷新消防栓 ; 冲洗消防栓
Fire hydrant box 消火栓箱 ; 灭火箱
Fire Hydrant Cabinet 消防器 ; 消防栓箱
fire hydrant system 消火栓系统
fire hydrant pillar 地上消火栓
The main materials it sells include fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, firebox 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc.
Stuck at an angle near a buried fire hydrant, they were pushing and spinning and getting nowhere, with the smell of burning rubber noxiously sharp in the cold air.
Aresident douses himself with water from a fire hydrant as the citywater system remains broken after a major earthquake in Talca, March 1, 2010.