一年分为下学期(FALL SEMESTER,秋季)和上学期(SPRING SEMESTER,春季)两个学期,第一学期(FIRST SEMESTER)从8月底或9月初至12月中旬;第二学期(SECOND TERM)从1月至5月。每个学期约有15周教学和1周考试。
... Fall Semester 秋季学期 ; 秋季班 ; 上学期 ; 秋季入学 First Semester 第一学期 ; 上学期 semester n 学期 ; 半年 ...
The first semester 第一学期 ; 到上学期末 ; 在上学期末
In a first semester 在一个学期里
First Semester this year 年度第一学期
First Semester Final Exam 上学期期末考
First Semester Mid-Term Exam 上学期中考
In The First Semester 在第一个学期
For first semester intake only 第一学期入学者
It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a new school.
Snyder and his colleagues found that the level of hope among freshmen at the beginning of their first semester was a more accurate predictor of their college grades.
Accustomed to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards, they may be upset when their children's first semester college grades are below that level.
他们习惯于在孩子的高中成绩单上看到 A 和 B,所以当他们的孩子大学第一学期的成绩低于这个水平时,他们可能会感到不安。
It's a huge price to pay in a pass-no-record first semester class . And, you know who is most severe on the committee on discipline?
Umm, it was my freshman year. It was the first semester, so I came back.
Well, I repeated my action because the first semester was rewarding."