scan line fix up 扫描线修复
fix up building 修复程序建立 ; 修复建设
fix up public toilets 固定式公共厕所
fix up a room 修理房间
fix up on printer 打印机修定
fix someone up 撮合某人
fix up with 为…准备
I'll fix you Up 我会帮你打点的
PHRASAL VERB If you fix something up, you do work that is necessary in order to make it more suitable or attractive. 修整
I've fixed up Matthew's old room.
PHRASAL VERB If you fix someone up with something they need, you provide it for them. 为…准备
We'll fix him up with a tie.
PHRASAL VERB If you fix something up, you arrange it. 安排 [英国英语]