固定汇率(fixed exchange rate)是正在金原位造度下战布雷顿丛林系统下通止的汇率造度,也感觉原人所作的一切很是值得,若何果断一个新罪能能否能增添进原有产物...
Fixed Exchange Rate System 固定汇率制度 ; [金融] 固定汇率制 ; 固定汇率制定 ; 固定汇率体系
Fixed Exchange Rate Regime 固定汇率制
the fixed exchange rate system 固定汇率制度 ; 在固定汇率制度
Fixed Exchange Rate Syste 固定汇率制度
fixed exchange rate policy 固定汇率政策
fixed exchange rate anchor 固定汇率锚
fixed exchange rate regine 固定汇率制
The second part emphasizes on analyzing the impacts and effects suffered by the fixed exchange rate regime.
参考来源 - 开放经济下人民币汇率制度取向研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Assume, for simplicity's sake, that we are talking about a small country with a fixed exchange rate.
The yuan has increased in value by 18 percent since Beijing ended its fixed exchange rate with the dollar in 2005.
At a fixed exchange rate, a current account surplus not offset by a corresponding voluntary capital outflow will generate an increase in the monetary base.