... helicopter-cum-fixed-wing aircraft 带固定翼的直升机 wing aircraft 僚机 fixed wing 固定翼的 ...
fixed-wing aircraft 固定翼飞机 ; 飞机 ; 固定翼机 ; 定翼机
fixed-wing 固定翼飞机 ; 固定翼的 ; 飞机
fixed-wing base manager 固定翼飞机基地经理
fixed wing aircraft engine 固定翼飞机发动机
fixed wing slot 固定式翼缝
fixed-wing pilot 定翼机飞行员
fixed wing airplane 固定翼飞机
fixed-wing operator 定翼机机构
fixed wing rail 固定翼轨
China also offers fixed wing UAVs, which are about a generation behind Western models.
The FAO says six fixed wing aircraft are arriving this week to join four already operating in the region.
The idea of a naturally stable aircraft is normal for fixed wing pilots but is quite unique for VTOL aircraft.