你们会被他骂的 » You are him 旗舰版 » Flagship version 做作业时需要铅笔,你能借我一支铅笔吗? » Require a pencil to do homework, can you lend me a pencil?
Liao card Longsheng Longsheng is the flagship version of a professional to make!
They just released a new version of their flagship operating system, RHEL 5.3 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), and, unlike Sun or Microsoft, they have new customers coming in.
他们刚刚推出其旗舰操作系统的新版本,RHEL 5.3 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux),并且与Sun或微软不同,他们还有新进的客户。
Their flagship product Basecamp was built using the very first version of Ruby on Rails, and ultimately led to the framework's conception in 2004.
他们的旗舰产品Basecamp是被Ruby on Rails的第一个版本构建的,并最终导致了2004年框架概念的产生。