flaky pastry 酥饼 ; 千层酥 ; 千层饼 ; 油酥
flaky texture 鳞片状结构 ; 片状结构 ; 薄片状结构
flaky aggregate 片石骨料
flaky crystal 片状结晶
flaky graphite 鳞片状石墨 ; 薄片状石墨
flaky web 厚度不匀纤维网 ; 厚度不均纤维网
flaky resin 片状树脂
flaky structure 鳞片状构造
flaky material 片状材料
ADJ Something that is flaky breaks easily into small thin pieces or tends to come off in small thin pieces. 易碎成小碎片的
...a small patch of red, flaky skin.
ADJ If you describe an idea, argument, or person as flaky, you mean that they are rather eccentric and unreliable. 不可靠的 [非正式]
He wondered if the idea wasn't just a little too flaky, a little too outlandish.
He wondered if the idea wasn't just a little too flaky, a little too outlandish.
A sweep of chilly air passed by, rustling all the leaves and snowing the flaky ashes broadcast about the fire.
But in most browsers aside from IE it gets flaky.