[ 复数 flashbacks 第三人称单数 flashbacks 现在分词 flashbacking 过去式 flashbacked 过去分词 flashbacked ]
闪回技术(FLASHBACK): 闪回技术是Oracle10g之后所提供的一种新的数据保障措施,在Oracle10g之前,如果用户不幸将 表误删除了,数据表就再也找不回来...
flashback query 闪回查询 ; 倒叙查询 ; 回闪查询 ; 查询特征
Flashback Database 闪回数据库 ; 认识 ; 启用 ; 数据库闪回
BB FlashBack Pro 屏幕录像机 ; 屏幕捕捉软件 ; 屏幕捕捉和记录软件 ; 屏幕录像软件
flashback drop 闪回删除 ; 闪回删表 ; 闪回丢弃 ; 回收站
flashback table 闪回表 ; 表闪回 ; 实验 ; 注意事项
Flashback Data Archive 闪回数据归档
flashback transaction query 闪回事务查询 ; 闪回事物查询 ; 闪回查询 ; 事务查询
Flashback Transaction 闪回事务 ; 闪回交易 ; 闪回事务查询
Flashback Trojan 闪回式木马
Reversed time order were adopted on time arrangement, including "Flashback","pre-flash" and "staggering" of the narrative skills, which were introduced to make sure a scene similar with the historical one.
参考来源 - 主题·模式·策略·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT In a film, novel, or play, a flashback is a scene that returns to events in the past. (电影、戏剧中的) 闪回镜头; (小说中的) 倒叙
There is even a flashback to the murder itself.
N-COUNT If you have a flashback to a past experience, you have a sudden and very clear memory of it. (往事在记忆中的) 突然重现
He has recurring flashbacks to the night his friends died.