...如:“6×19+1”, 表示钢丝绳有6股,每股19钢丝,外加1个油麻芯 第一节 系船缆的种类及特点 (3)软钢丝绳(flexible wire rope):它是由6股钢丝中间 夹1股油麻芯,且各股钢丝中间也都夹有细油麻芯制成。特 点是最柔软,重量轻,使用方便,在钢丝绳中强度最小。
... flexible wine rope 柔性纲索 flexible wire rope 软钢丝绳 ; 柔性钢丝绳 special flexible wire rope 特别柔软钢索 ; 特软钢丝绳 ...
extra-flexible wire rope 极软钢丝 ; 特软钢索
extra flexible wire rope 极软钢丝绳
flexible steel wire rope 柔软钢索 ; 柔性钢索 ; 软钢丝绳 ; 柔软钢丝索
extra check flexible wire rope 特软钢索
flexible e wire rope 软钢丝绳
Wire rope and assembly pulley on the flexible pumping units replace balance beam and connecting rod on regular pumping units.
This paper presents the testing of wire rope in the reinforced flexible flat cable for minimum tensile load and Suggestions for selection of the wire rope.
Provide flexible shaft (tungsten tungsten wire rope), molybdenum, molybdenum seed chuck hammer, molybdenum, molybdenum tube two feed system.