floating policy [保险] 流动保险单 ; 浮动政策 ; 总括保险单 ; 总保险单
a floating policy 全额保单
FP floating policy 浮动政策
floating policy willmigerl 流动保单
floating policy floating policy 流动保单
floating g policy 流动保险单
We have manifested on many occasions that it is our established policy of implementing a managed floating RMB exchange rate regime.
It is China's policy to establish a managed floating exchange rate regime.
With the choice of configuration policy selected earlier, as long as quorum can be established and at least one node is eligible, the floating resource IP address will remain operational.
因为先前选中了配置策略,只要可以建立 quorum,并且至少有一个节点合格,那么浮动资源 IP 地址就保持正常运作。