[ 比较级 flowerier或more flowery 最高级 floweriest或most flowery ]
... Abbau:过于老化,他们就可以作出适当的调整或更正,用特制的卧式压榨机压榨葡萄,没有气泡的气泡酒 Flowery:带有花香 Fruity:带有丰厚果香的新颖葡萄酒 ...
... 同本义〖colorful;gandy;bebright-coloredandbeautiful〗 文辞华丽〖flowery〗 过于艳丽的色彩,极为俗气花俏的服饰〖gaudy〗 ...
Flowery Media Player 炫彩新视听
Flowery Land 花肌粹 ; 华国号 ; 花肌粹专题
Flowery Tuscany 如花的托斯卡纳
flowery language 花言巧语 ; 精妙的词汇 ; 辞令 ; 辞藻
Flowery Orange Pekoe 花橙黄白毫 ; 花橙白毫 ; 最尖端的花橙黄白毫
flowery advertising phrases 华丽的广告用语 ; 华丽
flowery patch 花式补片
Flowery Wedding Dress 花的嫁纱 ; 华丽的婚纱
ADJ A flowery smell is strong and sweet, like flowers. (气味)似花的
Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.
ADJ Flowery cloth, paper, or china has a lot of flowers printed or painted on it. (布料、纸张或瓷器)印花的 [usu ADJ n]
The baby, dressed in a flowery jumpsuit, waved her rattle.
ADJ Flowery speech or writing contains long or literary words and expressions. (言语或写作)词藻华丽的
They were using uncommonly flowery language.
St-Germain becomes ubiquitous and it has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini.
Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality.
He layered pieces of glass and used thin copper strips instead of lead, which let him make these really intricate flowery designs for stained glass, which he used in lampshades.