... forest land conservation 林地保护 forest water conservation 森林涵养水源 ; 森林水源涵养 forest resource conservation 森林资源保护 ...
water conservation forest [林] 水源涵养林
soil and water conservation forest [土壤] 水土保持林 ; 水土保持林地
water resource conservation forest 水原涵养林 ; 水源涵养保安林 ; 水源保护林 ; 水源涵养林
forest for water resources conservation 水源涵养林
forest for water resource conservation 水源涵养林
forest for conservation of water 水源保持林
water resources conservation forest 水源涵养林
The capacity of forest water conservation is calculated according to precipitation and runoff characteristic parameters in the area.
The function of forest floor on water conservation, nutrient supply, promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed.
Construction of ecological environment forest, urban protection forest, water and soil conservation, production and comprehensive utility and development of nursery stock.