大学英语教学中学生信息素养培养的探索-英语教学论文--中华励志网 关键词] 英语教学;信息素养;培养 [gap=682]Key words: English teaching; information literacy;foster
英国人应该会很嫉妒,詹姆斯一把年纪了还能入选国家队,在看看 佛斯特(Foster)这个被英国专家,媒体炒为未来英格兰国家队一号的曼联天才的“天才”表现,应该相信人种和民族是有自己独特的个性的,有些就是特.
Norman Foster 诺曼·福斯特 ; 福斯特 ; 诺曼福斯特 ; 霍朗明
Jodie Foster 朱迪·福斯特 ; 福斯特 ; 杂技运动员的腹部 ; 朱迪
Stephen Foster 史蒂芬·福斯特 ; 斯蒂芬·福斯特 ; 福斯特
John Foster Dulles 杜勒斯 ; 约翰福斯特杜勒斯 ; 陶立斯
foster father [法] 养父 ; 义父
Jeff Foster 杰夫·福斯特 ; 福斯特 ; 佛斯特 ; 抠像与合成
Greg Foster 格雷格·福斯特 ; 福斯特 ; 格雷格 ; 格雷格福斯特
Sutton Foster 萨顿·福斯特 ; 福斯特 ; 莎登佛斯特 ; 弗斯特
Foster City 福斯特城 ; 福斯特市 ; 总部福斯特市
"foster parent"; "foster child"; "foster home"
同义词: surrogate
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child. 收养的 [ADJ n]
Little Jack was placed with foster parents.
V-T If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent. 收养
She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.
V-T To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop. 促进
He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.
Mr. Foster romped home with 141 votes.
The children were placed with foster parents.
We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.
Foster and Partners is also to build one of several buildings that will make up the new World Trade Center area in New York.
VOA: special.2011.04.13
That's why many of them are thinking really very hard of how to foster entrepreneurship, how to encourage innovation.
And if you look on that page, about in the middle, this is Enoch describing his foster mother: "'This woman was hard to get along with.