...”(muckraking) 《麦克卢尔》(MacClure)杂志 伊达· 塔贝尔(Ida Tarbell)《美弗石油公司》 弗兰克·诺里斯 (Frank Norris):《章鱼》 (The Octopus:a Story of California , 1902) 杰克·伦敦(Jack London):《深渊》 (The People of the Abyss,1...
Less satisfying is his account of California's cultural progress in the 19th and 20th centuries: does he really need to invoke so many long-forgotten writers to accompany such names as Jack London, FrankNorris, Mark Twain or Raymond Chandler?
In the last election, the Labour party's official candidate Frank Dobson came third place, a long way behind both Mr Livingstone and Tory candidate Steve Norris.