... 保证金 margin (money) 运费到收 freight to be collected; freight forward 不准转运 no transshipment permitted ...
Marine Freight Forward Industry 海上运送办理业
Freight Forward Agreement 远期运费协议 ; 合约 ; 运费远期合约
freight forward agency 货运代理人的
freight forward collect 运费由提货人照付
Ocean&Rail Time Freight Forward Co 深圳市海铁时代货运代理有限公司
Forward Freight Agreement 远期运费协议 ; 远期运价协议 ; 合约 ; 协议
railway freight forward 铁路货运代理
Wecan Freight Forward will continue to provide our good service to you !
In the transport the freight transportation by sea, the agent, carrier and middleman status of freight forward under the circumstance of freight forward's performing on his own behalf.
Cosco said its losses from changes in value of forward freight agreements it held totalled Rmb2.31bn in the first three quarters, but that was offset by gains of Rmb1.87bn on these contracts.