[ 复数 fronts 第三人称单数 fronts 现在分词 fronting 过去式 fronted 过去分词 fronted ]
...M;2根链条长链条(总长120)拎起距包面高58CM;短链条(总长38)拎起距包面高16.5CM;误差范围在2CM内;净重:0.22KG 正面FRONT 侧面LATERAL ..
.../集团军(Field Army)是由若干个军或是师组成的军事单位,隶属于集团军群(Army Group)'集团军(Group Army)或方面军(Front Army)或大军区,指挥官为集团军..
cold front [气象] 冷锋 ; 寒冷前线 ; 致命拦截 ; 冷面
FRONT EDGE 前幅边 ; 门襟止口 ; 前襟边 ; 前缘
National Front 民族阵线
FRONT PANEL 前幅 ; 前面板 ; 面板 ; 前板
National Liberation Front 民族解放阵线 ; 自由阵线
Polisario Front 波利萨里奥阵线 ; 西撒人阵
in front of 在前面 ; 在 ; 面对 ; 前面
front page 头条 ; 新半斤八两 ; 头版
Front View [机] 前视图 ; [机] 正视图 ; 前景 ; [机] 正面图
A linear stability analysis is conducted to study instabilities of shelf front.
参考来源 - 南海北部陆架区域的海洋锋及锋面涡旋研究Combining the theory research, front emphatically analyzes the electronic bus interface of interaction design process and realization method.
参考来源 - 基于用户体验的公交电子站牌界面的交互设计研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"he was well behaved in front of company"
同义词: presence
"the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts"
同义词: battlefront front line
"he led the national liberation front"
同义词: movement social movement
"he put up a bold front"
"he walked to the front of the stage"
"the front lines"; "the front porch"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT The front of something is the part of it that faces you, or that faces forward, or that you normally see or use. 前面
One man sat in an armchair, and the other sat on the front of the desk.
Stand at the front of the line.
N-COUNT The front of a building is the side or part of it that faces the street. 临街面
Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.
N-COUNT In a war, the front is a line where two opposing armies are facing each other. 前线
Sonja's husband is fighting at the front.
→ see also front line
N-COUNT If you say that something is happening on a particular front, you mean that it is happening with regard to a particular situation or field of activity. 领域
...research across a wide academic front.
N-COUNT If someone puts on a particular kind of front, they pretend to have a particular quality. (装出的) 样子
Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home.
N-COUNT An organization or activity that is a front for one that is illegal or secret is used to hide it. (非法或秘密组织或活动的) 掩护者
...a firm later identified by the police as a front for crime syndicates.
N-COUNT In relation to the weather, a front is a line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air. (冷暖空气交汇的) 锋面
The snow signalled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in.
N-SING A person's or animal's front is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their back. 身体的前部
When baby is lying on his front, hold something so that he has to raise his head to see it.
ADJ Front is used to refer to the side or part of something that is toward the front or nearest to the front. 前面的 [ADJ n]
I went out there on the front porch.
She was only six and still missing her front teeth.
ADJ The front page of a newspaper is the outside of the first page, where the main news stories are printed. 头 (版) [ADJ n]
The front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers.
→ see also front-page
PHRASE If a person or thing is in front, they are ahead of others in a moving group, or further forward than someone or something else. 在前面
Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front.
PHRASE Someone who is in front in a competition or contest at a particular point is winning at that point. (在比赛中) 领先
Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys' title race.
PHRASE If someone or something is in front of a particular thing, they are facing it, ahead of it, or close to the front part of it. 在…的前面
She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself.
Something darted out in front of my car, and my car hit it.
PHRASE If you do or say something in front of someone else, you do or say it when they are present. 当着…的面
They never argued in front of their children.