在Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 中提供了全文索引服务(Full-Text Search Service),在查询功用上,对varchar,char,text类型的字段的婚配查询比用SQL语句运用Like操作符及婚配符的速度快10倍以上;在查询婚配上,...
The core search service stores the full-text indexes together with the collection configuration, including content sources and taxonomies in the file system.
In prior versions, Full Text Search was an external service that ran alongside the rest of SQL Server.
之前版本的全文检索是一个外部服务,和SQL Server并排运行的服务。
However, Service Registry currently lacks a full-text search capability, which means that searching using keywords or other more evolved criteria is not currently possible.
但是,Service Registry 当前缺少全文搜索功能,这意味着使用关键字或其他更先进的条件进行搜索当前还不可能。