city function interacts 城市功能互动
The Monitor Designated Community function interacts with archive Consumers and Producers to track changes in their service requirements and available product technologies.
It interacts with the mid-tier service using a REST-style access mechanism using the POST HTTP verb. This function takes the following four parameters.
它按照REST风格的访问机制使用POST HTTP方法与中间层服务进行交互。
We demonstrated how you can use the SIBus to connect an MQ message queue that interacts with client applications with an existing Web service that offers the actual business function.
我们向您演示了如何使用 SIBus 来连接 MQ 消息队列,以便与具有提供实际业务功能的现有 Web 服务的客户端应用程序进行交互。