...器官形态结构的变化规律,或在特定条件下,观察外因对人体器官形态结构变化影响的解剖学,称为机能解剖学(functional anatomy);以研究体育运动或提高体育运动效果为目的的解剖学,称运动解剖学(locomotive anatomy);而比较不同种族的人类之间的差异的解...
• 功能解剖学(functional anatomy )是从功能的角度分析骨关 节解剖结构的力学特征。 • Functional anatomy is the interpretation of physical properties of an...
... 作用适应 functional adaptation 官能解剖学 functional anatomy 官能性疾病 functional disease ...
The Human Hippocampus Functional Anatomy 海马功能解剖学
Functional Anatomy in Vivo 活的功能解剖学
Clinical And Functional Anatomy 临床与功能解剖学
Cranial Nerves Functional Anatomy 稀世着作
Functional Anatomy & Evolution 功能解剖与演化
Functional anatomy of kidney 肾的功能解剖
Division of Functional Anatomy 机能构造部门
Reproductive Physiology and Functional Anatomy 生殖生理学和功能解剖学
Elementary Human Physiology &Functional Anatomy 人体生理和运动解剖基础
Detailed functional anatomy studies are needed to clarify this issue, and this is planned for the future.
That bones continue to blur the boundaries of functional anatomy means that the classical textbook may yet see further revisions.
This paper looks back the newest model and functional anatomy of working memory, the structure, function and neuroanatomical substrates of phonological loop.
We talked about modern imaging methods and this is an example of an fMRI, a functional MRI; a map of the brain that not only shows you the anatomy of the brain but shows you something about the chemistry of what's going on inside.