... 影响辐射效应气体对辐射产生效应的气体 radiativelyactivegas 气体辐射计数管 gas radiation counter 气体辐射系数 gaseousemissivity ...
gas radiation counter detail 气体辐射计
gas-filled radiation counter [核] 充气式辐射计数器
gas discharging radiation counter tube [核] 气体放电辐射计数管
gas filled radiation-counter tube 充气辐射计数管
Gas-flow Radiation Counter 流气式计数管 ; 气流辐射计数器
Geiger counter was included to measure radiation if at some point an atom decayed. Should that happen, the Geiger counter would trigger the release of cyanide gas, which would kill the cat.
盖革计数器(Geiger counter)被用来测量原子衰变时的放射线,如果原子发生衰变,盖革计数器将会触发氰化物气体的释放,致猫于死地。
A Geiger counter was included to measure radiation if at some point an atom decayed. Should that happen, the Geiger counter would trigger the release of cyanide gas, which would kill the cat.
盖革计数器(Geiger counter)被用来测量原子衰变时的放射线,如果原子发生衰变,盖革计数器将会触发氰化物气体的释放,致猫于死地。