... 画 名 : 静物与三只狗 Still life with Three Puppies 作 者 : 高更 Gauguin Paul 原 作 材 质 : 油彩.画布 Oil on canvas ...
Paul Gauguin 保罗·高更 ; 法国画家高更 ; 保罗高更号 ; 保罗高更
Paul Gauguin Museum 高更博物馆
Paul Gauguin Cruises 保罗高更邮轮
Many are known primarily for their travels: think of Paul Gauguin, the Scottish Colourists, the artists who went on the Grand Tour.
Rudyard Kipling, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, Paul Gauguin, Samuel Beckett and others spent years dwelling abroad.
卢迪亚德·基普林, 巴勃罗·毕加索, 欧内斯特海明威, 保罗·高更, 塞缪尔·贝克特,还有其他一些都曾在海外生活过好些年。
Influenced by Paul Gauguin, Impressionism and Japanese Yamato-e, he drew the inspiration from the nature and formed his unique decorative artistic style.