epicyclic reduction gear unit 行齿轮减速装置; 行星减速齿轮装置 gear reduction unit 齿轮减速机; 齿轮减速设备; 齿轮减速装置 reduction gear unit 齿轮减速设备 .
... gear reducer 齿轮减速器;齿轮减速箱;齿轮减速机... gear reduction unit 齿轮减速器;齿轮减速箱;齿轮减速机... gear rim 齿轮缘...
down-hole gear reduction unit 井下齿轮减速
rigidity of gear reduction unit 减速机刚性
single reduction gear unit 单级减速齿轮装置 ; 单级减速齿轮箱 ; 单级减速机
epicyclic reduction gear unit 行星减速齿轮装置 ; 行星齿轮减速装置 ; 行星齿轮减速机
worm reduction gear unit 蜗杆减速齿轮箱
reduction gear unit 齿轮减速设备
flywheel-assisted reduction gear unit 带飞轮减速机
high-ratio reduction gear unit 高减速比齿轮箱
Because there are different ways to build a gear reduction unit, eg chain and sprocket or gearbox, we are only showing you the setup Angle of the muller.
In a gear reduction unit, for example, the shaft diameters are usually set by the requirement of getting sufficient shaft stiffness to keep the misalignment of the gear teeth within strict bounds.
The status of various reduction motors of pumping unit has been analyzed, and a research on design of a kind of three groups duplicate gear reduction motor has been made.