'How can you go to school, work part-time and get good grades, and pay off $20, 000 a year You can't, ' he says.
他说,你怎么能够边上学,边兼职打工,获得好成绩,又能交纳一年2万美元的学费? 你做不到。
In many cases, wives or husbands are keeping a job that they really don't like or get enough pay for simply because their job offers good insurance for health coverage for their family.
Users also have to pay $25 a month for unlimited calls. And they need a high-definition television set as well as a fast internet connection to get good results.
Moreover, if you say, this stockbroker he was lying to me, he told me that this was a good investment and he even lied and said something to get me roped in, they won't pay you back.