复方人参乳膏制备及质量控制_药学论文--《医药卫生护理学》--互联网考试中心 关键词】 人参皂苷;乳膏剂;质量控制 [gap=897]key words:ginseng saponin; cream; quality control
ginseng saponin rg 人参皂甙rg
ginseng saponin rb 人参皂甙单体rb
ginseng saponin re 人参皂甙re
ginseng saponin rb 1 人参皂苷rb
ginseng saponin rg 1 人参皂甙rg
ginseng saponin monomer rb 人参皂甙单体rb
Results: 1 Telomerase activity could be completely inhibited by arsenic trioxide, ginseng saponin, B-elemol and cyclophosphamide.
结果:1 三氧化二砷、人参皂甙、β-榄香烯及环磷酰胺均能抑制K562细胞株的端粒酶活性。
参考来源 - 三氧化二砷等药物对K562细胞株端粒—端粒酶系统作用机制的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Objective To study the anti-depression action of tricyclic drug and Ginseng saponin.
Objective: to study influence of fungal elicitors on the biomass and ginseng saponin biosynthesis of hairy roots of Panax ginseng (HRPG).
Conclusion: HRPG grows rapidly and proves high in content of ginseng saponin. This culture system of HRPG will be useful for the production of active components in ginseng.