...,华夏信财董事长兼CEO李彬就因在平台管理服务方面的优秀表现,获得来自英国媒体《全球商业观察》(《GLOBAL BUSINESS INSIGHT》)的认可,荣获“2018最佳财富管理服务奖”。
NBTA and IHS Global Insight expect most sectors by next year to start rebuilding business travel spending levels, at an average growth rate of 4.2 percent over 2009.
NBTA和IHS Global Insight预期到明年,多数行业会开始重新提高商务旅行支出水平,在2009年水平的基础上以平均4.2%的速度增长。
Brian Bethune, an economist at forecasting firm IHS Global Insight, estimates business spending on equipment and software rose at a 7.3% annual rate in the third quarter.
经济预测公司IHS Global Insight经济学家贝瑟恩(Brian Bethune)预计,企业对设备和软件的支出第三季度折合成年率增长了7.3%。
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