Grand Theft Auto 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗猎车 ; 侠盗飞车 ; 疯狂恋爱跑天下
Grand Theft Auto IV 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗飞车 ; 侠盗车手
Grand Theft Auto V 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗猎车手V ; 侠盗飞车 ; 侠盗猎车
Grand Theft Auto III 侠盗猎车手III ; 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗猎车III ; 侠盗飞车
Grand Theft Auto Vice City 罪恶都市 ; 侠盗猎车罪恶都市 ; 侠盗猎车手 ; 罪恶之城
Grand Theft Aut Vice City 恶都市 ; 罪过都市 ; 罪恶都会 ; 罪行都市
Grand Theft Auto 4 侠盗飞车 ; 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗猎车 ; 侠盗车手
Grand Theft Auto2 侠盗猎车
Grand Theft Auto 3 侠盗猎车手 ; 侠盗猎车 ; 侠盗飞车 ; 侠盗车手
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 圣安地列斯 ; 侠盗猎车手圣安地列斯 ; 圣安德鲁斯 ; 作弊码
The day I turned myself into the police for grand theft, I could have just told God and my mother "sorry I will never do it again", but saying sorry wasn't enough.
It wasn't till that fateful day when I was faced with being arrested by the police for grand theft that I finally woke up.
With Grand Theft Auto, unlike many other premium games, users can move the controls around the screen to suit their preferences.