[ 复数 graphics 比较级 more graphic 最高级 most graphic ]
Graphic designer 平面设计师 ; 美术设计员 ; 美术设计 ; 画面设计师
Graphic Design 平面设计 ; 图形设计 ; 图片设计 ; 平面
graphic novel 图像小说 ; 图画小说 ; 漫画小说 ; 绘图小说
graphic arts 形象艺术 ; 平面艺术 ; 平面造型艺术 ; 图解艺术
Digital Raster Graphic 数字栅格地图 ; 数字影像图 ; 数字栅格图
graphic pen 绘图笔 ; 绘图笔滤镜 ; 素描画 ; 滤镜
GRAPHIC EQUALIZER 图形均衡器 ; 图示均衡器 ; 图形平衡器
graphic symbol [测] 图形符号 ; 图例 ; 图示符号 ; 图像符号
graphic display [计] 图形显示 ; 图形显示系统 ; 标绘示数
ADJ If you say that a description or account of something unpleasant is graphic, you are emphasizing that it is clear and detailed. 清楚而具体的 [强调]
The descriptions of sexual abuse are graphic.
graphically ADV 清楚而具体地 [ADV with v]
Here, graphically displayed, was confirmation of the entire story.
ADJ Graphic means concerned with drawing or pictures, especially in publishing, industry, or computing. 绘图的; 图画的 [ADJ n]
...fine and graphic arts.
N-UNCOUNT Graphics is the activity of drawing or making pictures, especially in publishing, industry, or computing. 绘画; 制图
...a computer manufacturer that specializes in graphics.
N-COUNT Graphics are drawings and pictures that are composed using simple lines and sometimes strong colours. 图形
The Agriculture Department today released a new graphic to replace the old symbol.
The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present.
In a graphic, only a few words are used to explain what the picture shows you.
Many textbooks, particularly those in economics, contain appendixes that provide specific information on reading and working with graphic material.