gravitational potential energy 引力势能 ; 重力位能 ; [力] 引力位能
gravitational field energy 引力场能量
gravitational condensation energy 位能
gravitational field energy density 引力场能量密度
Available Gravitational Potential Energy 有效重力位能
gravitational potential energy of particles 引力结合能
以上来源于: WordNet
The gravitational energy of electrons transforms into radiation in burst phase through bremsstrahlung of electrons.
The conclusion runs counter to the alternate theory that the gas lights up as it cools to release gravitational energy--with no black holes in the picture.
Anyone who can follow their closing paragraphs on the relation between negative gravitational energy and the creation of the universe probably knows it all already.
It is the same thing as gravitational energy.
You know, if you want to measure the potential energy of something in a gravitational field, you have to define the zero somewhere, right, because it's arbitrary. You can set it anywhere you want. It's the same with enthalpy.