super-gravitational field 超重力场
gravitational field model 重力场模型
lunar gravitational field 月球重力场
gravitational field energy 引力场能量
stable gravitational field 稳态重力场
Moreover, the movement of the disk in the external gravitational field isn’t isokinetic. On the edge of the disk, the velocity field gradient of the Vertical direction would be great.
参考来源 - 恒星与行星的形成过程中的分子云核坍塌·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N the field of force surrounding a body of finite mass in which another body would experience an attractive force that is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them 引力场
Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field.
According to one hypothesis, the planet's gravitational field tugs on the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas from which it formed.
Once Earth had gone through the final stages of its formation, gases bubbled to the surface and were held by Earth's gravitational field to form the atmosphere.
But others note that Jupiter's powerful gravitational field can just as easily send an object into Earth's path as push it deeper into space.
VOA: special.2009.08.25
Everything -- gold, silver, diamonds, particles -- everything accelerates the same way in a gravitational field, due to this remarkable fact.
You know, if you want to measure the potential energy of something in a gravitational field, you have to define the zero somewhere, right, because it's arbitrary. You can set it anywhere you want. It's the same with enthalpy.