"great"是个多义词,它可以指great(英文单词),great(Fred Hammond演唱歌曲)。
[ 复数 great或greats 比较级 greater 最高级 greatest ]
... check vt. 检查,核对,查看 great adj. 大的(强调重要性),伟大的,重大的,重要的 big adj. 大的(强调面积、体积、规模上的大) ...
The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比 ; 伟大的盖茨比 ; 了不得的盖茨比
Great Expectations 远大前程 ; 孤星血泪 ; 寄予厚望
Great Wall 长城 ; 长城显示器 ; 万里长城 ; 网上长城
Great Dane 大丹犬 ; 大丹狗 ; 年夜丹犬
Great Depression [经] 大萧条 ; 经济大萧条 ; 大萧森
The Great Wall 长城 ; 万里长城 ; 虎踞龙盘 ; 长城谣
Great Britain 大不列颠岛 ; 大不列颠 ; 英国 ; 大不列颠联合王国
great circle [数] 大圆 ; 大循环 ; 大圆弧 ; 大图圈
Great Falls 大瀑布城 ; 大瀑布市 ; 大瀑布村
ADJ You use great to describe something that is very large. Great is more formal than big. 大型的 [ADJ n]
The room had a great bay window.
ADJ Great means large in amount or degree. (数量或程度) 大的
Benjamin Britten did not live to a great age.
ADJ You use great to describe something that is important, famous, or exciting. 重大的
...the great cultural achievements of the past.
greatness N-UNCOUNT 重大
A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness.
ADJ You can describe someone who is successful and famous for their actions, knowledge, or skill as great. 伟大的
He has the potential to be a great player.
greatness N-UNCOUNT 伟大
Abraham Lincoln achieved greatness.
N-PLURAL The greats in a particular subject or field of activity are the people who have been most successful or famous in it. 大人物 [journalism]
...all the greats of Hollywood.
ADJ If you describe someone or something as great, you approve of them or admire them. 极好的 [非正式]
Arturo has this great place in Cozumel.
They're a great bunch of guys.
ADJ If you feel great, you feel very healthy, energetic, and enthusiastic. 精力充沛的 ['feel' ADJ]
I feel just great.
ADJ You use great in order to emphasize the size or degree of a characteristic or quality. 十足的 [强调]
...a great big Italian wedding.
INTERJ You say great in order to emphasize that you are pleased or enthusiastic about something. 美妙的; 很棒的 [情感]
Oh great! That'll be good for Fred.