...称.为了和其它篇幅较小的天文学著作区别开,后来的评论家把它称之为《大汇编》【the superlative magiste或“greatest”(最大的)】.再靠后些,阿拉伯译者以阿拉伯文冠词al添在词头,因此这部著作被称为Al-magest.这部论著共十三卷.第一卷除了一些初级的天文...
greatest common divisor 最大公约数 ; 最大公因数 ; [数] 最大公因子 ; 的最大公因子
greatest element [数] 最大元
The Greatest Love 最佳爱情 ; 最爱 ; 伟大的爱 ; 最伟大的爱
Greatest Love Of All 最伟大的爱 ; 至高无上的爱 ; 伟大的爱 ; 至爱
greatest hits 精选辑 ; 精选集 ; 恩雅精选集 ; 肯尼基精选
The Greatest Race on Earth 全球最强之战 ; 渣打马拉松比赛
The Greatest American Hero 飞天红中侠 ; 最强美国英雄
The Greatest 最伟大的 ; 精选集 ; 胜者为王之拳王阿里 ; 极大
The Greatest Wonder 奇观 ; 伟大的奇观 ; 异景 ; 最伟大的奇迹
ADJ great的最高级 → the superlative of great
N an exceptional person 伟大的人 [slang]
He was the greatest batsman of his generation.
He was acclaimed as America's greatest filmmaker.
In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work.
"If you want to be great, wonderful, but recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.
VOA: special.2009.01.16
We can anatomize some of the forms of power that have been most commonly attributed to this greatest English poet.
We are all there, we are all there equally for scientist that you consider the people have been the greatest.