东安车工具箱盖单型腔注塑模设计_理工科毕业论文格式_毕业论文天下网 关键词:导柱;脱模行程;冷却水;顶杆 [gap=860]Key words:Guide pillar;Ejection stroke;Cooling water;Knockout-pin
风电设备主轴 下线辊道 去毛刺辊道 芯轴(Shafts) 轧辊(Rolling Roll) 导向柱(Guide Pillar) 驱动辊(Drive Rolls) 空心辊(Hollow Rolls) 拉杆(Ties) 分节辊(Segment Rolls)
Ejector guide pillar 推板导套 ; 推板导柱
lifting guide pillar 起重导杆
hole of inclined guide pillar 斜导柱孔
guide pillar type die [机] 导柱模
guide pillar die [机] 导柱模
Cylindrical guide pillar — chromium plating and anticorrosive treating.
The die with oblique side of guide pillar to take out core and release link was designed to take off mould smoothly.
By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.