Gunther von Hagens 冈瑟·冯·海根斯 ; 哈根斯 ; 巩特尔·冯·哈根斯 ; 巩特尔
Mike Gunther 导 ; 导演
Gunther Anders 安德斯
Gunther Oettinger 欧廷格 ; 奥丁格 ; 厄廷格 ; 奥廷格
Max Gunther 贡特尔
Gunther Hirschfelder 希旭菲尔德 ; 希施费尔德
Hans-Gunther Zach 藏家汉斯 ; 劳斯莱斯收藏家扎克 ; 收藏家汉斯
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in the Nibelungenlied) a king of Burgundy, allied with Siegfried, who won for him his wife Brunhild. He corresponds to Gunnar in Norse mythology (《尼白龙根之歌》中)巩特尔; 勃艮第国王,与西格弗里德结盟并在其帮助下娶布伦希尔特为妻,被认为是北欧神话中的贡纳
The claim was made by German doctor Gunther von Hagens.
Gunther realizes Joey's not working at the coffee house any more.
Gunther IV has bought a Miami villa from Madonna and won a rare white truffle in an auction.